News and Updates
Some Orange County Business Are Now Open for Business
Over the weekend, Orange County was approved for Governor Newsom's Stage 2 of reopening. In Stage Two, the County of Orange will be allowed to have the following businesses re-open, with adaptations: -In-person dining reservations -Retail shopping with social distancing and curbside pickup -Manufacturing -Offices (when telework not possible) -Outdoor Museums -Limited Services Read my statement (in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese for more information: https://mailchi.mp/ocgov/oc-reopening-05-23-2020 Orange County’s press release: https://cms.ocgov.com/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=115845 OC Health Officer's Orders & Recommendations: https://occovid19.ochealthinfo.com/article/oc-health-officers-orders-recommendations
CARES Act Funding will be Allocated Equally
I'm pleased that the Board of Supervisors approved a plan on Tuesday that will allocate CARES Act stimulus funding equally by supervisorial district. This plan ensures that stimulus funds quickly help everyone – not just the rich and well-connected. English Press Release: https://mailchi.mp/ocgov/vice-chairmans-statement-on-cares-act-funding Spanish Press Release: https://mailchi.mp/ocgov/vice-chairmans-statement-on-cares-act-funding-spanish Vietnamese Press Release: https://mailchi.mp/ocgov/vice-chairmans-statement-on-cares-act-funding-vietnamese
Memorial Day – Special Tribute to Our Fallen Soldiers
Our values as a nation stand strong and unwavering because of generations of service and sacrifice. Thank you to all our veterans for your service and thank you to our fallen soldiers for the freedom and prosperity that every American holds so dear. God Bless Everyone. Check out the Memorial Day video here.
Garden Grove Police Department’s “Fallen Five” Memorial
We will never forget the bravery and sacrifice of the Garden Grove Police Department’s “Fallen Five” officers who gave their lives in the line of duty. These selfless individuals may no longer be with us, but they are far from forgotten. Check out the "Fallen Five" Memorial video here.
Appointments Available for Essential Workers
Appointments are available for FREE COVID-19 PCR diagnostic testing at OptumServe (State) sites in Buena Park, Orange, Santa Ana and San Juan Capistrano for symptomatic AND asymptomatic health care workers, first responders, social service workers, and other essential employees who don’t have access to testing through their health care provider or employer. Please visit https://lhi.care/covidtesting or call 1 (888) 634-1123 to schedule an appointment.
A Message from Our Nurses
Thank you to all our nurses and healthcare workers who have shown incredible bravery and compassion on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. We all owe you a debt of gratitude for your efforts in the face of these unprecedented times. God bless you and your families. Thank you to R.N.s Daniel Gonzalez, Lisette Guerrero, and Jody Nguyen for sharing your experiences and message to our community! Check out the COVID-19 Frontline Nurses video here.
Olis Bakery and Flowers, Santa Ana
Looking for a floral arrangement or other pastries? Check out Olis Bakery and Flowers, a local shop in the heart of Santa Ana! As Orange County implements Stage 2 of Governor Newsom’s reopening framework, I’ll be highlighting some local merchants in my District so we can all help support vital small businesses.
May 28: Back2Business Initiative Webinar
In partnership with 3D Event Designer, the County of Orange launched this free program to provide businesses quick access in creating efficient layouts and maximize space utilization to get their business re-opened and employees back to work in a safe and responsible manner. The first webinar on how to use the software will be hosted on May 28, 2020 Click here for more information about the webinar.
State Releases New Guidelines for Faith Services
Governor Newsom released new guidelines to allow for the reopening of churches and other places of worship for in-person services. Click here for more information on the guidelines.
Orange County Webinars