News and Updates
Wi-Fi on Wheels Kick-Off
Orange County’s new WiFi on Wheels pilot program will bring free broadband connectivity to neighborhoods most in need. On Tuesday, OC Public Libraries hosted the WiFi on Wheels Kickoff event at the Westminster Library Branch. Wi-Fi on Wheels is part of the County’s Internet Access Initiative, a larger project which also includes Wi-Fi extensions at County libraries and Wi-Fi hotspots available for checkout. Special thanks to Dylan Wright, Director of OC Community Resources, Julie Quillman, County Librarian, and all OC Public Libraries staff for bringing this project to life! You can learn more about where and when you can access Wi-Fi on Wheels by clicking here.
$5M in Relief for Child Care Providers
On Tuesday, the Orange County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a plan authored by Supervisor Doug Chaffee and I to allocate $5 million in financial assistance to childcare providers for pandemic-related expenses. This program will allow for a safe and reliable space for children to stay, as we continue to rebuild our economy. Click here for more information.
OC API Taskforce
Orange County continues to add COVID-19 testing capacity focused on addressing health disparities. Click here to learn more about our new OC API Taskforce and how it’s bringing targeted testing to Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
$4.5M Funding for Nursing Facilities and Community Clinics
On Tuesday, the Board approved $4.5 million in relief funding for 66 Skilled Nursing Facilities and 23 Community Clinics. Thank you to my colleagues for supporting this effort to provide our community-based providers with the necessary COVID-19 preparedness and response activities, medical supplies, equipment, and personal protective equipment.
Free Flu Vaccines Available in Orange County
Last Saturday, skilled staff administered nearly 500 flu shots at First District’s flu vaccine event. With COVID-19 still spreading, don’t risk contracting the seasonal flu. Click here for a list of clinics where you can get your free flu shot.
Arts and Crafts for Seniors
Volunteers from community organizations got together this week to create care kits complete with resources, art supplies, and other activities for seniors who are at home because of COVID-19. Thank you, Tish Leon, for allowing me to be part of the great efforts you lead in the community.
County Service Center Served its 100,000th Customer
Last week, the County Service Center served its 100,000th customer since opening its doors last September. We celebrated this milestone by presenting the 100,000th customer, a couple who came in for a marriage license, with a gift basket thanking them for doing business with the County. Thank you to all of our amazing County staff for continuing to operate the center and serve our residents during these challenging times.
20-Year Service Presentation
On Tuesday, I received my 20-year pin from the County of Orange. Serving the people of Orange County for two decades has been both incredibly rewarding and immensely humbling. Thank you to my colleagues for the presentation.
OC’s Drive-Thru Trick-or-Treat – Oct. 31
This October 31st, from 5pm to 7pm, join us for a safe and spooktacular opportunity to celebrate Halloween and Día de los Muertos at our Drive-Thru Trick-or-Treat event! To ensure the safety of everyone, families are asked to stay in their cars at all times as volunteers place Halloween goodie bags in the trunk of their cars. Costumes are encouraged and you can even decorate your car! For more information, click here.
Food Distribution with Saddleback Church – Nov. 4
Last week, we distributed boxes of fresh produce to 1,100 Orange County families at our monthly food distribution. As the economic toll of the pandemic drags on, these kinds of resources will continue to be essential for many residents. Thank you to the incredible volunteers from Saddleback Church for continuing to perform this excellent service for our communities. The next drive-thru food distribution event at Mile Square Park will take place on November 4th. If you need ongoing support, you can apply for other programs like CalFresh through the County of Orange Social Services Agency by clicking here.
First District Blood Drives in November
Blood donors save lives. Thank you to everyone who has attended our past two blood drive events to support our community’s health. If you’re a healthy individual, consider joining us for our next blood drives: Location: Magnolia Science Academy Address: 2840 W 1st St, Santa Ana, CA 92703 Date: November 10 Time: 12 pm - 6 pm Location: Santa Ana College Address: 1530 W 17th St, Santa Ana, CA 92706 Date: November 12 Time: 10 am - 4 pm